Anabe roga/Root rot

Anabe roga/Root rot

    Causal organism: Ganoderma lucidum
    Above ground
    • Yellowing and browning of outer whorl of leaves. As the disease advances the inner whorl also exhibit the same symptom.
    • Leaf dries at later stage of the disease, droops and hangs around the stem.
    • The impact is the flowers, and nut size reduction and dropping.
    • In severe or advanced stages, drooping of all the leaves and their dropping leaving only the stem with out leaves.
    • Discolouration of vascular bundles can be seen.
    On the trunk
    • Stem bleeding and oozing of gum takes place upto the height of 5m as the disease advances.
    • Below ground level - on roots
    • The roots of the infected plant become brittle, discololured and dry.
    • Sporophores and fruiting bodies can be seen on the stem portion at the collar region mostly after the death of the tree which gives the name “Anabe Roga (Mushroom like)”.
    • The fungus is heterothallic and weak parasite.
    • Vegetative spores are the Chlamydospores.
    • Conidia are round, thin walled. Sexual spores are basidiospores
    Source of inoculum
    • Primary source of inoculum:
    • Chlamydospore and dormant mycelia survive in the soil and infected roots.
    • Secondary source of innoculum
    • Air borne basidiospores.
    Mode of spread and survival
    • It is a soil borne fungus and survives as dormant mycelium chlamydospores. Secondary spread takes place through the twisting of infected roots to healthy roots (through soil root).
    • The mycelium present in the infected roots get transferred to healthy ones and thus spread the disease and spreads also through air.
    • Neglected plantations
    • Sandy loam soils
    • High plant population density
    • Summer stressed plantations
    life cycle

    Cultural control
    • Fruiting bodies of the fungus, the dead stumps and roots of infected plants should be collected and burnt.
    • Improving drainage facilities, avoiding dense plantation of palms and adoption of clean cultivation of gardens help in checking the disease.
    • The fungus infects many plant trees, including avenue trees and such host trees should be avoided in the vicinity of the areca garden.
    • The spread of the disease to neighboring trees can be prevented by digging deep trenches all round the affected palm and applying sulphur. Use drip irrigation during summer.
    • Chemical control
    • Soil drenching with calyxin solution (10ml/ lit) or stem injection.
    • Biological control
    • Application of Trichoderma viridae, (100 gram per plant) reduces the disease.

Last modified: Friday, 22 June 2012, 11:00 AM