Stem bleeding

Stem bleeding

    Causal organism: Thielaviopsis paradoxa (de Seyenes) Hohn.
    • Both the young and old plants are affected but young palms are highly susceptible. Symptoms appear on the basal portions of the stem as small discolored depression during initial stages.
    • Later the spots coalesce and cracks develop on the stem which eventually produces hollows upto varying depths along the infected portion.
    • Crown of affected adult palms get reduced in size followed by reduction in yield. Finally a dark brown liquid oozes out from cracks.
    Source of inoculum
    • Primary source of inoculum: Dormant mycelia .
    • Secondary source of inoculum: Air borne conidia.
    • More serious in kharif season and also more serious in case of poor drainage areas.
    • Improving the drainage may help in minimizing the disease incidence.
    • Root feeding with proper chemical. Application of hot coal tar or Bordeaux paste is effective in reducing the disease.

Last modified: Monday, 6 February 2012, 7:00 AM