
Photo Journalism 4(1+3)
Lesson 16 : Ethics and Legal Consideration for Photojournalists


Ethics: is the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation, the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group.

Photojournalism works within the same ethical approaches to objectivity that applies to other journalists. What to shoot, how to frame, and how to edit are constant considerations. Often, ethical conflicts can be mitigated or enhanced by the actions of a subeditor or picture editor, who takes control of the images once they have been delivered to the news organization. The photojournalist often has no control as to how images are ultimately used. Photojournalist’s first consideration is to report “without fear or favor.” They more rights than restrictions on their activity.

Major ethical issues are often inscribed with more or less success into law. Laws regarding photography can vary significantly from nation to nation. The legal situation is further complicated when one considers that photojournalism made in one country will often be published in many other countries.

Last modified: Saturday, 18 February 2012, 6:53 AM