Treatment of wall trenches, column pits and excavation for basements

Basics in Building Construction 4(2+2)

Lesson 06 : Termite Proofing

Treatment of wall trenches, column pits and excavation for basements

The bottom surface and the sides (upto a height of about 300 mm) of the foundation trenches, column pits and basements should be treated by applying chemical water emulsion at the rate of 5 liters per sq. meter of the surface area.

After the foundation for the walls, columns, piers and retaining walls of the basement come up, treat the back fill earth in immediate contact with each side of the foundation with the chemical emulsion at the rate of 7.5 liters per sq. meter of the vertical surface of the foundation masonry.

The both treatments described above are essentially required to be given to masonry foundation with a view to ensure that the termites do not gain entry into the building through the voids in the joints in the masonry.

In case of R.C.C. columns or R.C.C. basements walls, there is no possibility of voids which can permit entry of termites and hence it is not necessary to start anti-termite treatment right from the bottom of excavation. In such cases, the treatment should start at a depth of 500 mm below ground level. Thus the backs fill around R.C.C. columns, beams and centre basement walls from a depth of 500

mm up to ground level only should be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of 7.5 liters per sq. meter of vertical surface.

Last modified: Wednesday, 29 February 2012, 10:52 AM