Importance of Healthy Buildings

Commercial Interior Space Designing-II 4(1+3)

Lesson 5:Ergonomics in Public Buildings and Commercial Space

Importance of Healthy Buildings

Protecting the health, safety, and welfare (HSW) of building occupants has gained imporance beyond disease prevention and nuisance control to include mental as well as physical health (productive) and protecting the ecological health of a place (sustainable) through the creation of places that enable delight and the realization of human potential. Three areas of design that are becoming increasingly popular are ergonomic design, accessible design, and environmental—or green—design. Ergonomic design involves designing work spaces and furniture that emphasize good posture and minimize muscle strain on the body. Accessible design involves planning interior space to aid in the movement of people who are elderly and disabled. Green design involves selecting paints, furniture and carpets that are free of chemicals and hypoallergenic and selecting construction materials that are energy-efficient or are made from renewable resources.

Indoor environments also have strong effects on occupant well-being and functioning, especially attributes such as the amount and quality of light and color, the sense of enclosure, the sense of privacy, access to window views, connection to nature and personal control over environmental conditions. Designing to enhance psychological well-being will therefore have positive impacts on work effectiveness and other contributions like stress reduction, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.

Last modified: Monday, 19 December 2011, 6:11 AM