Space Allocation And Circulation

Commercial Interior Space Designing-II 4(1+3)

Lesson 13:Business Buildings and Retail showrooms

Space Allocation And Circulation

The space in retail stores is generally categorized as selling space and non selling space.
Selling space is all the area designated for the display of merchandise and interaction between customers and personnel. Non selling space includes areas such as stockroom, office, and any other areas not allocated for the direct display or selling of merchandise.
The guidelines must be taken into the account when assisting the store owner in making decisions about space allowances for the merchandise mix, fixture types, fixture locations, architectural finishes, and internal signage. An important goal of the retailer is to be able to place merchandise in its ideal selling location. This goal is directly related to the space plan of the store. The merchant usually discusses with the interior designer the approximate placement of the merchandise with in the selling space. Exposing the customer to all merchandise and enticing the customer to purchase additional items is the challenge for the interior designer doing space planning.

Last modified: Monday, 2 July 2012, 11:42 AM