
Family Economics And Consumer Education 3 (2+1)

Lesson 25 : Consumer Behavior


It is a familiar phenomenon to find people reaching to a situation or environment in different ways at different times. Behavior and attitudes to buying depend of number of factors such as habits recognition, price, impulse emotion and unpredictability.
Some choices are purely determined by habits. Ex: some people who are used to a particular brand of perfume will buy same brand again even, if there are many brands at lower prices. What people recognize as being familiar in terms of brands, packing, flavor, color etc. will always be chosen for purchase and use. People even reject the new product without trying if they carry a different brand. Consumer’s decisions regarding products may be made with price in mind. Their choices therefore depend on how economical a product is within their purchasing power. Some people react on impulse without giving a thought to products, people and services. They are easily attracted by physical features. It is this class of consumers who get greatly influenced by attractively advertised products because they are insensitive to brand images. Consumers often react to emotional appeals and respond strongly to image related products.
-Responses related to social class, fashions etc are common examples.

Some people behave in very unpredictable ways and tend to go for every new product. They are unstable in choice and want to be noticed in society by purchasing latest products. In general consumer behavior is influenced by tradition, culture, religion or society of which consumers forms a part. In addition environmental influence and purchasing power affect the choices to an extent.

Last modified: Saturday, 7 April 2012, 5:19 AM