
Family Economics And Consumer Education 3 (2+1)

Lesson 30 :Labelling and packaging


Label is a part of a product which carries verbal information about the product as the seller. It may be a part of a package or it may be a tag attached directly to the product.
Labeling means that the buyer can see the price for himself and that the seller can concentrate on more substantial services than mere bargaining. Because of the very nature of manufactured products and packaged goods it is difficult for a consumer to know much about the goods. When new a ready made clothing of a good quality and one of a poor quality; look alike. Similarly a blended blanket may look like a teak wood furniture. It is very difficult for a consumer to detect these differences because these products are carefully finished and made ready for sale. Only proper labeling by the manufacture can give a reliable information to a confused consumer to make a rational choice based on quality and contents, rather than an emotional choice based on popularity of a brand name or cost.

Last modified: Saturday, 7 April 2012, 1:20 PM