Conditioning Methods

Flower Arrangement

Lesson 08 : Conditioning cut flowers and foliage

Conditioning Methods

Warm Water Treatment:
Most living process takes place better and faster at a warmer temperature. If warm water (that is of a temperature which is comfortable warm to the hands) is used for soaking the stems water enters more easily and moves into the flowers and leaves more quickly.

Boiling Water Treatment:
This method preserves flowering plants, such as stock, lily of the valley, poinsettia, hydrangea, rose, balloon flower and dahlia. Soak the roots of the flowers in boiling salt water for one or two minute until the green color of the stem begins to lighten. Place them immediately into deep cool water.
In both burning and boiling methods care must be taken to protect the leaves and flowers from being exposed to direct heat. The best protection is to wrap them in wet news paper with only the cut ends of the stems exposed to the heat or boiling water.

Chemical Treatment:
Cut the stem and immerse it in appropriate chemical for a few minutes. Several stems may be held in the chemical at one time. Dry the cut end of the stem before it is put into liquid chemicals
Vinegar, acetic acid, acetate or diluted hydrochloric acid materials, reed, bamboo, pampas grass sage, etc

Alkalis: Salt Materials, camellia chinese bell flower, ashes
Stimulants :
Sugar, red pepper, essence of peppermint materials, flowering plants Dip the stems of tulips in sugar before inserting them on the kenzan, and sprinkle about one teaspoon on the kenzan
materials, lilac, wisteria, gerbera, donsy, caster etc.

Last modified: Monday, 26 March 2012, 11:24 AM