Specific Care and Treatment for Specific Flower

Flower Arrangement

Lesson 08 : Conditioning cut flowers and foliage

Specific Care and Treatment for Specific Flower

Sl.No Flower Season Treatment
1 Onion and Garlic Spring to Autumn Precut stem ends and put into water. To dry wait until all the top flowers open. Then place stems in 3/4th inch of water. Let water evaporate. Then leave the flowers to dry. Afterwards arrange without water.
2 Amarnthus Midsummer to Autumn Put in flat in water for about 20 minutes, then shake all most dry. For drying. Wait until all the top flowers open, then place stems in3/4th inch of water. Let water evaporate. Then leave the flowers to dry. Afterwards arrange without water.
3< Anthurium All the year at most shops The cut stems will have been conditioned. 1st by the florist, so all they will need is water. For the pot plants allow a good light and surround pot with damp peat. Keep fairly damp in summer, using lukewarm water, but keep drier in winter. Feed while growing.
4> Aster China Early summer to late autumn

Strip off lower foliage and side shoots. Slit stem ends and put into deep water to drink well. Some buds will open; arrange them separately so that they will get their own supply of water

5 Bird of paradise Out of doors in warm climates otherwise a pot plant. Before arranging cut ends of stems at a slant and allow a deep long drink in lukewarm water.
6 Candytuft Summer to autumn No special treatment except to revive in water after their journey from the shop.
7 Carnation Summer, but also available out of season Re-cut stems between joints then immerse in water, heads and all for about 5 minutes. Then arrange in cold water add buds separately the advance once will open.
8 Chrysanthemums perennial All the year around in shops Those with woody stems should be dipped in 1 inch of boiling water for 1 minute. The rest just go into water. Always remove lower foliage.
9 Chrysanthemums summer ( Annual) Mid Summer to autumn> Re-cut stem ends and plunge into a bucket of water to drink well after unwrapping. Before arranging, remove lower foliage and detach many of the long bud stems. Arrange these separately.
10 Dahlia Mid Summer to late autumn When un-wrapped re-cut stem ends and place in water. If they have had a long journey. Place
Stems in 1 inch of hot water for 1 minute first. Remove some side stems and most of the foliage. These can be arranged separately. Keep container well filled after arranging. They like to drink.
11 Euphorbia
Seal ends of stems by burning or by dipping in 1 inch of boiling water for ½ minute. Remove lower foliage and put stems into cold water.
12 Foxtail Spring to summer Slit ends of stems and place in water until needed for arrangement. Arrange leaves separately.
13 Gaillardia or blanket flower Early summer to autumn Remove lower foliage, recut ends put into water until needed. Arrange some side shoots separately. Add one teaspoon sugar to water.
14 Gerbera Midsummer to autumn Re-cut stem ends put into water. If the stems do not stand up, give them same treatment as the Tulip or stand in 1 inch of hot water and leave until cold.
15 Gladiolus Summer Re-cut stem ends and put into deep water until needed. Nip off3 tiny top buds
16 Goldenrod Late summer onwards No special treatment needed
17 Everlasting flower Midsummer onwards Usually bought when dried. But if not, buy when the flowers are young, remove leaves and hang upside down until dry. Arrange without water
18 Lilies Midsummer All lilies need along drink when unwrapped. Put them in water up to their necks, first cutting the ends of the stem at a slant. Those that have anthers holding a lot of dark pollen could have them snipped off to save staining others flowers or a cloth
19 Marigold Sumner to autumn Remove lower foliage. Re-cut stem ends under water and leave to drink well before arrange change water in container every 4 days
20 Pinks All summer Re-cut stem ends between joints then condition in deep cool water for several hours or overnight. Remove lower foliage before arranging.
21 Poinsettia Midsummer to autumn out of doors winter in pots Cut stems should be signed in a flame and put into deep water at once to drink well before arranging. Pot should stand in a light spot and be watered sparingly use lukewarm water
22 Roses Sold all the year round Expensive glooms will have been conditioned by the florist but if not re-cut stem ends. Remove lower leaves & thorns if they are large. Stand stems in 1½ inches of very hot water and leave it until it cools, then arrange. For a long journey roses will benefit if carried covered in a plastic bag. Afterwards give the hot water treatment
23 Salvia Summer Remove lower foliage and put stems into water. Some laterals should be arranged separately
24 Sunflower Summer to autumn Remove lower foliage and some side stems. Re-cut stem ends and put into deep warm water until needed for arrangement
25 Tuberose Summer As per all precious blooms, the stem will have been conditioned by the florist before you buy them. After their journey home they will need as soon as unwrapped
26 Verbena Summer to the autumn Slip off lower foliage and re-cut stems. Put into water at once
27 Zennai> Late summer late autumn. R e-cut stem tips and conditioned in deep cold water for several hours/overnight. Remove any foliage that might come below water line in container, a few drops oil of peppermint in the water is a help
28 Geranium Summer If or cut stems crush ends and place in water
Until needed. If in pots, never over water Keep soil nearly dry.

Care Before Arranging

Last modified: Monday, 26 March 2012, 12:02 PM