General Principles For Room Plans And Furniture Arrangement

Furniture and Furnishings 3(1+2)

Lesson 07: Plans And Furniture Arrangement

General Principles For Room Plans And Furniture Arrangement

The objectives of furniture arrangement are comfort and efficiency in use, combined with visunal balance in the overall layout of the furniture.
Furniture can be arranged and grouped to look satisfying and comfortable look before doing the actual furniture arrangement, first consider the number of rooms available and remark each for a particular activity example living room, main bedroom, children’s room and so on. In doing so do not be unduly influenced by traditional ideas of room planning. For instance an up stairs room with a view over the park will make a more pleasant living room than the ground floor room which looks out on the high brick wall surrounding the park. Or, if the house is on a busy main road, consider whether it is better to have the living room at the front and kitchen at the back, or the other way round.

Make each room carry its fair share of the family’s activities. It is obviously better for mschool children to do homework in a separate room than in the main living room where other activities may interfere. While the home must provide mainly for communal family life, each member, as far as possible, should have a part of the house in which they can have privacy for individual activities and quiet.

Remember that well designed home grows and develops as the family grows-the transition from nursery to playroom to teenage bed-sitter takes place fairly quickly; the place reserved for parking the pram is soon occupied by a tricycle, which will later be displaced by a bicycle.
So start with a basic plan which is flexible, and easily adaptable to new requirements over the years.

Last modified: Monday, 19 March 2012, 7:07 AM