The Adult Bed - Sitting Room

Furniture and Furnishings 3(1+2)

Lesson 07: Plans And Furniture Arrangement

The Adult Bed - Sitting Room

This is simply a logical development of the foregoing ideas, with the possible addition of simple cooking and washing facilities. The main problem to be faced is that of providing extra storage for the more numerous possessions of the independent occupant. This involves the imaginative use of all available space to provide storage units which do not interfere with the living are and which are not visually bulky. The addition of a bed base with drawers for storage is an obvious improvement, as are high level built- in cupboards as described in the paragraph on bedrooms. Dual purpose furniture- e.g. fold away dressing tops- are also space saving and neat.

Last modified: Monday, 19 March 2012, 9:14 AM