Significance Of The House

Housing And Space Management 3(2+1)

Lesson 01 : Introduction To Housing

Significance Of The House

  • The house provides a sense of physical as well as emotional / psychological security.
  • A physical structure to seek refuge from tensions and worries of the outside world.
  • A protective environment from extreme weather and security from anti social elements.
  • The house forms the center of family life to share love and affection and joy of group living.
  • The house provides space for group and individual activities
  • The house offers facilities for self – expression and a degree of freedom of action.
  • A healthy environment to teach personality, attitudes, family values.
  • A cultural environment to teach the customs, traditions, habits and cultural way of living.
  • A house is the caring environment for elders, sick and handicapped.
  • A house and its surroundings is a status symbol of a family
  • It is the largest single investment for many families
  • The determining factor for assessing the standard of living of a family.
  • Housing contributes to national income, national wealth and national employment.
  • The housing condition is a measure of nation’s progress.
Last modified: Monday, 2 April 2012, 7:00 AM