
Housing And Space Management 3(2+1)

Lesson 19 : Building Bye–Laws And Zoning Regulations


  • The population and size of most of our towns and cities are rapidly growing due to influx of population from rural areas. The process of Urbanization growth, there is mounting pressure on urban land for creating additional space for living, work and recreation
  • Building bye-laws and planning standards are very much essential for orderly growth of towns and cities. Healthy growth and development of cities are possible only by well laid down planning standards.
  • The building rules and regulations are aimed to ensure
    • Adequate stability of the buildings
    • Clean environment in and around the buildings
    • Adequate standard of healthy life for the inmates of the buildings to be used as a place of living, work and recreation.
    • The prevention of encroachments and misuse of the lands covered by the long neglected system of communication like streets and lanes and the public spaces.
  • The importance of enforcing Bye- laws by law is quite evident from the fact that unless prevented by law, the house owners with their profit making behavior construct residential buildings that lack in facilities and healthy conditions. In the absence of suitable building bye-laws and machinery to enforce them, the poor people will be left at the mercy of well-to-do.
  • In India, Urban Development Authorities in cities and the Town Planning Department of every state develops Master Plans and Zonal Development Plans for cities and also townships to ensure quality development, These are prepared with respect to the requirements of housing, industries, communication, open spaces, green belts, education, social and cultural facilities, medical relief and hospitals, refuse disposal etc.
Last modified: Friday, 6 April 2012, 12:04 PM