Centre of origin

Centre of origin (Primary and secondary)

    Primary centre of origin
    • The concept of centre of origin was conceived by N.I. Vavilov based on his studies of a vast collection of plants at the Institute of Plant Industry, Leningrad during his tenure as Director from 1916 to 1936.
    • According to Vavilov, crop plants evolved from wild species in the areas showing great diversity and termed them as primary centers of origin.
    • But in some areas, certain crop species show considerable diversity of forms although, they have not originated from such areas which are known as secondary centers. Eight main centers of origin are recognized as proposed by Vavilov.
    This is one of the largest and oldest center of origin. It includes mountainous parts of Central and Western China besides, neighboring lowlands.
    • Pear (Pyrus communis)
    • Peach (Prunus persica)
    • Apricot (Prunus armeniaca)
    • Plum (Prunus salicina)
    • Mandarin (Citrus reticulata)
    This centre includes Burma, Assam, Malayan Archipelago, Java, Borneo, Sumatra and Philippines. But, this centre does not include North West India, Punjab and North Western Frontier Provinces. Later on, this center of origin is divided into Indo-Burma and Siam-Malaya-Java centre of origin.
    • Mango (Mangifera indica)
    • Sour lime (Citrus aurantifolia)
    • Mandarin (Citrus reticulata)
    • Coconut (Cocos nucifera)
    • Banana (Musa sapientum)
    Central Asia
    It is also known as the Afghanistan centre of origin. It includes North West India (Punjab, North-West Frontier Provinces and Kashmir), all Afghanistan, Soviet Republics of Tadjikistan and Uzbekistan and Tian-Shan;
    • Pistachio nut (Pistacia vera)
    • Almond (Prunus amygdalis)
    • Grape (Vitis vinifera)
    • Apple (Malus sp.)
    • Some species of apricot (Prunus armeniaca) and pear (Pyrus spp).
    Asia Minor
    • It includes the interior of Asia Minor, the whole of Transcaucasia, Iran, and high lands of Turkmenistan. This centre is also known as the Near East or Persian centre of origin.
    Primary centre of origin
    • Fig (Ficus carica)
    • Pomegranate (Punica granatum)
    • Some species of apple, Pyrus, Prunus and grape
    Secondary centre of origin
    • Chestnut and pistachio nut
    Mediterranean centre of origin
    • Example Pippermint (Mentha sp.)
    • It includes Ethiopia and hilly country of Eritrea. Example: Coffee.
    Central America
    This includes region of South Mexico and Central America. It is also known as Mexican centre of origin.
    South America
    This centre includes the high mount regions of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, parts of Chile and Brazil and whole of Paraguay. Further, this centre was sub-divided into three centres i.e. Peru, Chile and Brazil-Paraguay centre of origin.

Last modified: Thursday, 23 February 2012, 4:05 PM