- Botanical name: Punica granatum L.
- Family: Punicaceae
- Chromosome number : 2n = 2x =18
Centre of diversity
- Pomegranate is native of Iran and cultivated extensively in the Mediterranean countries like Spain, Morocco, Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan and Baluchistan. It is also grown to some extent in Burma, China, Japan, USA, USSR and India.
Germplasm resources
- Being cross pollinated crop, a lot of variability exists in seedling populations, which can be utilized in further improvement programme. At present 150 genotypes of pomegranate have been maintained at Central Institute of Arid Horticulture, Bikaner (Anon., 2002). Out of these genotypes, 55 are deciduous and rest 95 are of evergreen in nature. Field gene banks of pomegranate are maintained at Abohar, Rahuri, Bikaner, Bangalore, Allahabad, Jodhpur and Ludhiana.
- To develop suitable types which produce small soft seeds with attractive red (pink) aril.
- To develop easily manageable upright growth habit of the tree.
- To develop thornlessness in the twigs, a desirable character as it helps in cultural management of the tree.
- To develop varieties resistant to fruit borer (Virachola isocrates) and fruit rot (Phomopsis sp.)
- To develop varieties free from fruit cracking aril blackening
- Identification and development of suitable varieties for cold arid region.
- Varieties with longer steerage life.
Last modified: Saturday, 9 June 2012, 5:23 AM