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Breeding methods
Clonal selection ![]() PKM.1 : developed at Horticultural College & Research institute, Periykulam (TNAU) is also a clonal selection from Guthi. It is a dwarf, high yielding (3600 fruits/tree/year), almost bearing throughout year. ![]() Hybridization Tamil Nadu Agricultural Univerity, Coimbatore has developed four hybrids so far. 1. Co.1: It is a hybrid between Cricket Ball and Oval. This variety is superior to either of the parents. The fruits are long oval (egg shaped), medium in size with a mean fruit weight of 125g. The flesh is granular in texture and reddish brown in colour, taste being very sweet with a TSS of 18˚Brix. 2. Co.3: It is hybrid between Cricket Ball and Vavivalasa. Fruits are oblong –ovate in shape. Pleasantly flavored, very sweet with a T.S.S of 24.2. The average yield of the tree is 157 kg as compared to only 101.32 kg and 109.5 kg in CO-1 and CO-2 respectively. The stature of the tree is more upright and compact, suitable for high density planting at a spacing of 5-6 m either way instead of the conventional spacing of 8mx8m. 3. PKM.2: It is a hybrid between Guthi and Kirthi Barthi developed at ‘Horticultural College & Research institute, Periyakulam (TNAU). A high yielder with a performance of 1500 to 2000 fruits per tree per year weighing 80 to 100 kg. Fruits are bigger in size and oblong to oval shaped. The average fruit weight is 95g. TSS ranges from 25 to 27˚Brix. 4. PKM. 3: It is a hybrid between Guthi and Cricket Ball. It has vertical growth habit and hence lends itself for high density planting. Trees bear big sized fruits with oval shape and have cluster-bearing habit. The fruit yield is 14 tonnes per hectare. 5.DHS:1: A hybrid between Kalipatti and Criket Ball developed at UAS, Dharwad. Tree is vigorous, bearing round to slightly oblong fruits with high yield. The fruits are very sweet having a soft, granular and mellowing flesh with a TSS of 26˚brix. The colour of the pulp is light orange. The mean fruit weight is 150g. 6.DHS.2: It is also a hybrid between Kalipatti and Cricket Ball. Tree is vigorous and bearing round fruits. It is a high yielder. The fruits are sweet with a TSS of 23˚ brix having a light orange brown pulp, which is soft, granular and mellowing. The mean fruit weight is 180g. |
Last modified: Friday, 24 February 2012, 4:40 PM