6. Mango nut weevil
6. Mango nut weevil - Sternochetus mangiferae Fab. (Curculionidae: Coleoptera)
- The grub tunnel in a zig - zag manner through the pulp endocarp and the seed coat and they finally reach the cotyledons.
- As the fruit develops the tunnel get closed.
- The grub feeds on the cotyledons and destroy them.
- The adults who emerge from the pupae also feed on the developing seed and this may hasten the maturity of infested fruits.
- The adult weevil is stoutly built, 6 mm long, dark brown in colour.
- It lays eggs singly on the marble sized fruits by scooping out the surface tissue and cover over with a transparent secretion.
- The ovipositon puncture heals leaving minute spot. On a single fruit up to 15 eggs may be laid in a day.
- The egg period is 7 days.
- The newly hatched out grub is creamy, yellow apodous tunnel the fruit pulp and enter into cotyledons.
- The larval period is 20-30 days. It undergoes five larval instars and pupate inside the nut along the concave side.
- The pupal period is 7 days. The total life cycle occupies 40-50 days.
- The adult often remain inside the nut until they are thrown away after consumption of the pulp.
- The weevil hides in crevices of the tree trunk as they have longevity of 10 months.
- Follow prophylactic measures in Neelum and Bangalora varieties as these varieties are susceptible.
- Collect and destroy the fallen fruits, which contain 85 % of the weevil
- Spray emamectin benzoate 1 ml / litre during marble stage and second spray at 15 days after the first spray.
- Take up insecticides spray directing towards the base of the trunks during the non-flowering season.
- Tieing red ant colonies in mango orchards help to reduce the damage of nut weevil remarkably.
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 11:36 PM