1. Shoot webber
1. Shoot webber- Orthaga exvinacea Hmps. (Pyraustidae: Lepidoptera)
- The larva webs together the leaves and feed on them.
- The infested leaves wither and dry up. In case of severe attack, a tree shows many webbed nests of leaves presenting on the whole a sickly appearance.
- The adult moth is greyish with dark patches on the wings.
- It lays eggs in small clusters on the silken webbing's or singly on the ribs of the leaves.
- Fecundity is 30-50 egg / female.
- The egg period is 4 days.
- The larva is pale green with dark bands.
- The larval period is about a month.
- It undergoes 5 instars and pupates within silken cocoon in the webbed up clusters for 1 -14 days.
- Remove and destroy webbed leaves along with larvae and pupae.
- Spray carbaryl 50 WP at 0.1%.
- Encourage activity of predators, carabid beetle Parena lacticincta; reduviid Oecama sp; parasitoid Hormiusa and fungus Paecilomyces farinosus.
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 January 2012, 11:36 PM