4. Fruit fly

4. Fruit fly - Bactrocera (= Dacus) diversus Coq. ( Tephritidae : Diptera)

    • The maggot bores into the fruits and feeds on soft pulp.
    • The infested fruits show small cavities with dark greenish punctures and when cut open, the wriggling maggots are seen inside.
    • It infestation causes rotting and dropping of fruits.
    Damaged fruit
    Cut open fruit with maggots
    • The adult fly is smoky brown with greenish black thorax having yellow marking.
    • It is active throughout the year except severe cooler months.
    • It lays the eggs on the soft skin offruits. The egg period is 1-4 days during July.
    • The maggot is pale cream in colour, cylindrical in shape measuring 5-8 mm in length.
    • The larval stage lasts for 4-5 days. It pupates in soil.
    • The pupal period extends from 7 days in August to 13 days in November.
    • The adult stage over winters in cooler months.
    • Collect and destroy fallen and infested fruits by dumping in a pit and cover with a thick layer of soil or apply lindane 1.3 D over them.
    • Plough interspace to expose pupae.
    • Encourage parasitoids Opius compensates and Spalangia philippinensis.
    • Use methyl eugenol lure trap (25/ha) to monitor and kill adults or prepare methyl eugenol and malathion 50 EC mixture at 1:1 ratio and use 10 ml mixture / trap.
    • Use polythene bag fish meal trap with 5 g of wet fish meal + 1 ml dichlorvos soaked in cotton at 50 traps/ha. Renew fish meal and dichlorvos soaked cotton once in 20 and 7 days respectively.
    • Use bait spray combining molasses or jaggery 10g/ 1 and one of the insecticides, fenthion 100 EC 1 ml/, malathion 50 EC 2 ml/1, dimethoate 30 EC 1 ml/1, carbaryl 50 WP 4 g /1, two rounds at fortnight interval before ripening of the fruits.
    • Spray hostothion 2ml /litre or malathion at 1 ml/1 four times at 15 days interval.
    • Rake the soil around the tree during the pest incidence and apply lindane dust 1.3 % at 25 kg /ha.

Last modified: Tuesday, 7 February 2012, 12:01 AM