1. Shoot and fruit borer

1. Shoot and fruit borer - Margaronia caesalis Wlk.(Pyraustidae : Lepidoptera)

    • The larva bore into tender shoots, flower buds and developing fruits.
    • As a result of attack, wilting of affected shoot, buds dries up and drop down while the fruit start rotting.
    • The fallen fruits due to borer damage also serve as a source of the pathogen entry
    • The adult moth is brown with grey elliptical patterns on the wings.
    • It lays eggs on tender shoot and flower buds.
    • The caterpillar is pink with black wart and bright hairs.
    • It pupates inside the tunnel.
    • The pupae are reddish brown.
    • The total life cycle is about 4-5 weeks
    • Remove and destroy the affected shoots, flower buds and fruits in the initial stage of the attack.
    • Cover the fruits with perforated alkathene bags of convenient size.
    • Spray monocrotophos 36 WSC 2ml/ litre or carbaryl 50 WP 0.1 %,4gms
    • Spray copper oxychloride at 0.25 % to check if there is fruit rot incidence

Last modified: Tuesday, 7 February 2012, 10:13 PM