2. Grapevine thrips

2. Grapevine thrips - Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus Hood.
(Heliothripidae: Thysanotptera)

    • Both nymphs and adults lacerate/scrape the epidermis of leaves and suck the sap due to laceration silvery patches.
    • Infest the under surface of leaves and suck the cell sap.
    • The infestation resulted in development of silvery white scorchy patches on the leaves.
    • The attacked vine either does not bear fruits or the fruit drop off prematurely.
    • It lays bean shaped eggs on the under surface of leaves.
    • The fecundity of the hopper is 50 eggs per female.
    • The eggs period is 3-8 days.
    • The nymphs are small yellowish brown in colour.
    • The nymphal period last for 9-20 days.
    • The pupal period is 2-5 days.
    • On emergence of adults both sexual and parthenogenetic reproduction takes place simultaneously.

    Grapevine thrips

Last modified: Tuesday, 7 February 2012, 10:35 PM