2. Grape vine beetle

2. Grape vine beetle - Sinoxylon anale Lesne. (Bostrychidae: Coleoptera)

    • The grubs and adults cause damage to the grape vine.
    • The adult beetle makes circular hole and extending to the center of the stem.
    • It constructs longitudinal galleries and forms a number of exist.
    • The attacked plant gradually dry and dies away.
    • The adult beetle is sturdy, walks slowly and flies rarely.
    • The female lays eggs in the tunnels.
    • The grub is thickly slightly curved and yellowish white in colour.
    • The chewed out materials are thrown out of the holes.
    • Remove loose bark, prune and destroy the infested parts to prevent the infestation by the beetle.
    • Spray carbaryl 50 WP at 2 kg / ha to the dormant woody portion of the vines.

Last modified: Tuesday, 7 February 2012, 11:45 PM