1. Mango stem borer

1. Mango stem borer - Batocera rufomaculata Dejean. (Cerambycidae : Coleoptera)

    • The larva tunnel into the main stem or branches and makes zig - zag tunnels in the wood.
    • The tunnels interfere the sap flow affecting the foliage and fruit production.
    • In severe cases, the infested trees ultimately dry and dies.
    • Keep orchards clean.
    • Collect loose and damaged barks and destroy them.
    • Kill grubs by inserting a thin iron spike or wire into the hole.
    • Spot application of 10 ml of monocrotophos or fenthion or methyl parathion diluted in 1 1 of water.

Last modified: Wednesday, 8 February 2012, 10:59 PM