3. Fig midge
3. Fig midge - Anjeerodiplosis peshawaransis Mani.(Cecidomyiidae : Diptera)
- The maggot bores inside the fruit and feeds on the pulp within.
- The infested fruits become hard, and deformed.
- The damaged fig ultimately shrivels, withers and dropped down prematurely.
- The adult fly is small, light brown in colour with small head and bear two jointed antennae.
- The female fly lays minute, oval, pedicellate eggs on one week old fruit.
- The eggs are laid in cluster of 10 eggs.
- The egg period is 3 days.
- The maggot is creamy white in colour.
- The larval period is 3-4 weeks.
- The maggot drop down to the soil for pupation.
- The pupal period lasts 10-26 days.
- Collect damaged fruits along with maggots and destroy.
- Rake up soil to expose pupae and apply lindane 1.3 D at 25kg/ha.
- Spray dimethoate 30 EC 2 ml/ litre or malathion 50 EC 0.1%.
Last modified: Wednesday, 8 February 2012, 11:02 PM