Different equipments used in elecrtrical stunning


The higg’s electrolethaler

  • This consists of a transformer from which an insulated lead connects it with the electric current, from the transformer a second insulated lead conducts the current to one handle of a pair of tongs; at the ends of which are fixed electrodes or gripping devices rather like the ear phone of a wireless set, on each of which are a number of short teeth.
  • The operator grips the pig behind the ears with the electrodes and allows the switch in the handle of the tongs.
  • The current of low voltage of about 70-80 volts is applied for about 5-10 seconds (longer if the pig is large) and the pig slowly rolls unconscious.
  • The period of unconsciousness lasts about 5 minutes during which time the animal lies perfectly still and anaesthetized and can be hoisted and stuck before consciousness returns.
  • Bleeding is reported to be good and splashing (muscular hemorrhages in various part of carcass) does not occur.

The elther apparatus

  • The Elther apparatus can administer a large quantity of electrical energy over a very short period.
  • This method of stunning renders the animal instantaneously and completely unconscious and it is significant that cattle stunned by this method exhibit the same syndrome as animals stunned by the ordinary electrolethaler.
  • It is claimed that the bleeding of animals stunned by the Elther apparatus is very rapid and complete, that haemorrhages do not occur and that the method is superior to the electrolethaler because there is built-in devices to control the current and application time.

Ray’s electrical stunner

  • It consists of a pair of tongs provided with a sponge and attached to a step-down transformer.
  • The operator grips the animal behind the ears with the electrodes and allows the current to pass into the animal by operating the switch in the handle of the tongs.
  • The electrodes are furnished with a sponge dipped in salt solution to enable the current to pass more easily through hair and hide.

Modified electrical stunner

  • Apart from the above said features in the Ray’s electrical stunner, the tips of the electrodes are modified to form metal cups with serrated edges and the cups are fitted by absorbent pad.
Last modified: Wednesday, 15 September 2010, 9:20 AM