1. Termite

1. Termite - Odontotermes obseus Ramb, (Termitidae: Isoptera)

    • Termites infest stems and feed internal tissues of trunks and fill with sand and excreta.
    • Affected young plants show drying of shoots and wilting of plants.
    • Locate termite colony and destroy queen by physical or chemical means.
    • Spray neem oil 5% once at the base up to 2 m height of the trunk for effective control.
    • Destroy mound building, termites by treating with aluminnium phosphide or sulfex tablets @ 2 tablets / meter diameter of mound. Close all openings of the mound after inserting tablets.
    • Mix 60 ml of chlropyriphos 20 EC in 18 I of water and pour into the mound through a hole made in the centre, or through open chimneys in case of open mounds.

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 February 2012, 9:37 PM