Hard palate (Palatum durum)

(Ox, Sheep & Goat, Horse,Pig, Dog, Rabbit, Fowl)


  • The hard palate forms the roof of the cavum oris
  • It is bounded in front by the dental pad on the sides by the alveolar arches and continuous behind with the soft palate
  • It is attached above to the bony palate formed by the palatine processes of the premaxilla, maxilla and palatine bones
  • The submucous tissue, which attaches it to the bony palate, contains a very rich venous plexus constituting erectile tissue
  • A central raphe divides its oral surface into two halves each of which presents 15 to 19 ridges. These ridges are nearly straight and are serrated at their free borders
  • The ridged condition is present only in the anterior two-thirds, the posterior third being smooth
  • The mucous membrane is more or less pigmented.
  • The body of premaxilla is covered with the thick layer of dense fibrous tissue, which is covered by horny epithelium called the dental pad. Between this, and the first ridge is a central prominence- the papilla incisiva
  • It is margined on either side by a fissure, which presents the oral opening of the ductus incisivus (naso-palatine duct) whereas the nasal opening of which is on the floor of the nasal cavity


Species difference

Sheep and Goat

  • A median raphe palati is present
  • The transverse ridges alternate with the opposite side, which are 14 in number
  • Dental pad is present


  • The ridges in each half are 18 in number and are curved with the concavity directed backwards
  • The dental pad is absent and instead there are six alveoli for the upper incisors
  • The oral surface is ridges throughout
  • The fissures on the sides of the papilla incisiva do not contain the openings of the ductud incisivus, as they are blind
  • The hard palate as a whole is large but narrower

 Horse palate
Palate horse



  • It is long and narrow.
  • A median furrow, on each side of which are marks it 20 or more ridges.
  • On its anterior part there is a long narrow prominence, the papilla incisiva and the posterior part of which the ductus incisivus or naso-palatine ducts open. There is a round prominence in front of the first pair of the incisors



  • It is widest between the fourth pair of cheek teeth
  • It presents 8 to 10 curved ridges
  • Behind the first pair of incisors is the triangular papilla incisiva, on the sides of which open the naso -palatine ducts
  • Mucous membrane is pigmented

Dog palate
Palate dog



  • It presents about 15 ridges
  • The ridges at the posterior part are directed backward
  • A faint median groove is present at the posterior part of the hard palate



  • It is narrow and triangular.
  • Anteriorly there is a median ridge and posteriorly a median slit, which represents the single posterior nare for both the nasal cavities behind
  • A lateral ridge extends from the median ridge posteriorly, the whole length of the palate
  • Behind the median ridge are five transverse rows of horny pointed papillae directed backwards
  • The most posterior one marks the limit of the mouth cavity
  • On either side of the median ridge are the openings of the maxillary glands
  • On either side of the lateral ridges are the openings of the medial and lateral palatine glands


Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 8:51 AM