
(Ox, Sheep & Goat, Horse,Pig, Dog, Rabbit, Fowl)


  • The mouth or cavum oris is the first section of the alimentary canal
  • It is a short but wide cylindrical cavity and when closed, is completely filled up by the contained structures except for a small space, which remains between the root of the tongue, soft palate and the epiglottis - the glosso-epiglottic space
  • It is bounded superiorly by the hard palate, inferiorly by the body of the mandible and mylohyoideus muscles, laterally by the cheeks, posteriorly by the soft palate
  • The anterior opening of the mouth, the rima oris is closed by the lips
  • The posterior opening of this cavity communicates with the pharynx -the isthmus faucium
  • The oral cavity is subdivided into two parts by the teeth and alveolar processes (dental arch)
  • The external part between the teeth and cheeks is the vestibule, which becomes evident when food accumulates in this space
  • The space enclosed within the teeth and alveolar processes is the mouth cavity proper or cavum oris proprium
Palate horse
Palate horse
  • The mouth cavity is lined by mucous membrane, which is pink in colour and more or less pigmented
  • It is continuous with the skin at the margin of the lips and behind it is continuous with the lining of the pharynx

Species difference

Sheep and Goat

  • It resembles ox


  • The cavum oris is longer and narrower
  • The vestibule is less capacious and the mucous membrane may be pigmented (lips and cheeks)


  • The rima oris is extensive and the angle of mouth is situated far back


  • The form and size vary greatly in different breeds, being long and narrow in some, short and wide in others
  • Rima oris is extensive
  • Mucous membrane may be pigmented (lips and cheeks)


  • The cavum oris is elongated


  • The cavum oris is triangular in outline.
  • Vestibule is absent, as there is no teeth
Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 8:46 AM