

  • The reticulum is the most cranial and smallest of the four compartments
  • It extends from the 6th to the 8th ribs
  • The greater part of it is to the left of the median line. It is compressed from before backwards
  • The parietal surface faces forwards, convex and lies against the diaphragm and liver
  •  The visceral surface faces backwards, is flattened and ends dorsally by joining the rumen, the concave line of junction corresponding to the ridge in the interior, forms the lower margin of the rumino-reticular orifice (View image )
  • The lesser curvature faces to the right and dorsally and is connected with the omasum. The greater curvature faces to the left and is ventral
  • The right extremity forms a rounded blind sac (fundus reticuli), which is in contact with the liver, omasum and abomasum and lies opposite to the sixth intercostal space
Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 9:28 AM