

  • Poster is a visual combination of bold design, colour and message to catch and hold the attention of the passerby long enough to implant or to reinforce the significant idea in his mind.
  • Example: Detail from the poster showing a village that practices good animal husbandry practices.


  • To create awareness about the extension programme.
  • To communicate to a passerby.
  • To implant very quickly in a viewers mind or to make him recall a single important idea.
  • To motivate people to act by repeated reminders.


  • Posters are simple graphic representations with the greatest possible impact. As an advertising medium, they arrest the eye and the mind, remind the public of a message. Posters generally contain three main features namely
    • They announce a purpose,
    • They set conditions and
    • They recommend action.
  • Posters should be attractive, brief and clear and this is the ABC principle of poster. A hand drawn poster may be used in training programmes, group meetings, farmers day, etc. printed posters may be used in large numbers in campaigns, exhibitions, etc.

Materials / facilities required

  • For hand made posters, paperboards, poster colours, pencil, eraser, scale and good brushes are needed.
  • For printed posters computer, litho offset press are required.


  • Decide on the theme of the poster and identify the key points.
  • Decide on the size of the poster (10”x 15”, 15”x 20”, 18”x 22”, 20”x 30”, 22”x 28”), caption, illustrations and the colours to be used.
  • Based on the availability of funds decide on the number of copies to be produced.
  • Keep in mind the date by which the posters are to be made ready.


  • Prepare a number of dummies, small but proportional to the actual size
  • Ensure a balance between words and picture. The pictures should be bold without much detail.
  • Put the caption in one line.
  • Follow optical spacing of the letters.
  • Select the best layout and make some sets of colour combinations. The picture and letters must make a contrast with the background.
  • Select the best colour combination. Engage an artist if required.
  • Consult a press manager and decide on the economic production of the posters.
  • If only a few hand drawn posters are needed make pencil sketches and then colour the poster on a thick chart paper.


  • Put hand drawn posters in well-lighted places where the visitors are likely to assemble or pass through.
  • For printed posters, ensure timely dispatch.
  • Display printed posters at prominent places in time. In important places put up a number of posters closely to produce mass effect.


  • Watch reaction of the audience.
  • Ensure availability of inputs and services and commensurate with the message in the posters.
Last modified: Saturday, 5 May 2012, 6:27 AM