Clinical signs of downer cow syndrome


Downer cow syndrome

  • Bright and alert
  • Eats and drinks moderately well
  • Normal temperature
  • Heart rate is usually normal or elevated to 80-100/minute, tachycardia and arrhythmia immediately following i/v Calcium administration.
  • Respiration not affected
  • Normal defecation and urination
  • Preoteinuria indicate extensive muscle damage
  • Some animals make no effort to rise
  • Many make frequent effort to rise but unable to get up ( creeper) - frog like attitude on non slippery surface (bare ground or damp bedding)
  • Some cases are able to stand with assistance (lifting on tail head or hip slings)
  • In some cases, hind legs are extended on each side and reach up to elbow joint (due to dislocation of hip joint or traumatic injuries surrounding hip with or without rupture of ligaments)
Last modified: Friday, 20 January 2012, 4:48 AM