Clinical manifestations and lesions


  • Incubation period one week. The disease has been arbitrarily divided into three forms.
  • Acute form
    • High rise of temperature, nasal discharge, salivation and lacrymation
    • Hyperemia, Petechiation and swelling of the buccal mucosa, dental pads and tongue. Later hyperaemic regions become "cyanotic" or "purplish blue"
    • Extensive necrosis of the dental pad
    • Muzzle turns dry show burnt appearance

    Blue tongue- Dry burnt muzzle

    • Cyanotic and bluish appearance of tongue
    • Blood stained diarrhoea occurs when the intestinal mucosa is involved which is always fatal.
    • There may be involvement of sensitive laminae and breaking of wool fibres
    • Heavy mortality occurs in early stages and chronically affected animals become thin and emaciated. Morbidity is 50%.  
  • Sub acute form or subclinical form
    • Common in cattle and generally passed unnoticed
  • Abortive form
    • Abortion of pregnant ewes, which results in the loss of entire breeding season. Young animals and Merino sheep are particularly susceptible.

Hyperemia and swelling of buccal mucosa and dental pad 


  • Tongue : Blue and gangrenous
  • Leg : Coronary band show congestion and hemorrhage
  • Lungs : pneumonic changes
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 8:14 AM