

  • Based on history, clinical findings, seasonal occurrence
  • Samples to be collected -unclotted blood from febrile animals or fresh spleen and lymph node collected at post mortem
  • Virus isolation in unweaned mice or growing in susceptible cell cultures or in embryonated eggs (i/v or yolk sac routes).
  • The virus propagated in primary cultures of calf kidney, adrenal and testis, HELA cell cultures and also BHK21. CPE within 24-72 hours, which consists of foci of enlarged and retractile cells
  • Other tests – CFT, SNT, Plaque inhibition test, Microgel diffusion test, FAT, AGID, ELISA

Differential diagnosis

  • Foot and mouth disease
  • Malignant catarrhal fever
  • Photosensitization
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 8:15 AM