Differential diagnosis


  • Rinderpest: In Rinderpest both cattle and small ruminants are involved. The symptoms are very severe in cattle than small ruminants.
  • Pasteurellosis: The disease is characterized by obvious respiratory signs, infrequent diarrhoea, and a mortality rate rarely exceeding 10 per cent. The bipolar organisms can be readily demonstrated in smears.
  • CCPP: There is no digestive system involvement, and the clinical signs and lesions are confined to the respiratory system and pericardium.
  • Bluetongue: Sheep are mostly affected. Swelling of the lips, muzzle, oral mucosa and coronitis are more common.
  • Contagious ecthyma/orf : Proliferative necrotic lesions are seen in the lips rather than the whole oral cavity. The absence of nasal discharges and diarrhoea also distinguish orf from PPR.
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 10:06 AM