Clinical manifestations
The incubation period is up to 3 days in sheep and goats and in newborn animals, it can be as short as 12 hours
Infection is most severe in young animals, and is characterized by a high fever, anorexia, weakness, and rapid death.
Some affected animals may have nasal discharge and hemorrhagic diarrhea
Hepatic necrosis is the primary lesion, and is especially extensive in younger animals and fetuses
Adult animals are less severely affected. Abortion is the most prominent sign in pregnant animals (up to 100%).
In adult animals, hepatic necrosis can be more focal and may only be visible microscopically
Mortality rate may exceed 70% in young animals but is considerably less in adults
Humans may become infected by mosquitoes and through contact with diseased tissues.
Infections are "flu-like", and can infrequently be severe and fatal
Cattle are less severely affected than sheep
Last modified: Sunday, 3 June 2012, 10:13 AM