Effect of soil structure on other physical properties

Effect of soil structure on other physical properties

    Porosity: Porosity of a soil is easily changed. In plate-like structure, pore-spaces are less whereas in crumby structure pore-spaces are more.

    Temperature: Crumby structure provides good aeration and percolation of water in the soil. Thus these characteristics help in keeping optimum temperature in comparison to plate-like structure.

    Density: Bulk density varies with the total pore-space present in the soil. Structure chiefly influences pore-spaces Platy structure with less total pore spaces has high bulk density whereas crumby structure with more total pore spaces has low bulk density.

    Consistence: Consistence of soil also depends on structure. Plate-like structure exhibits strong plasticity.

    Colour: Bluish and greenish colors of soil are generally due to poor drainage of soil. Platy structure normally hinders free drainage whereas sphere like structure (granular and crumby) helps in drainage.

    Air and water: Structure controls the amount of water and air present in the soil. Not only the amounts of water and air are dependent on soil structure, but their movement and circulation are also controlled by the soil structure. Crumby and granular structures provide optimum infiltration, water holding capacity, aeration and drainage.

    They also provides good habitat for microorganisms and supply nutrients. Structure controls runoff and erosion.

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 9:04 AM