1. What is meant by soil structure?
    Answer: The arrangement of individual soil particles into different aggregate forms is known as soil structure.

    2.Narrate the significance of soil structure
    Answer: Structure is an important parameter in respect of water movement, heat transfer, aeration and porosity of a soil. The above factors in turn influence the germination of seeds, root development and microbial activities in soil.

    3. List out cementing materials that aid in soil structure formation.
    Answer: Colloidal clay, Fe & Al hydroxides, decomposing organic matter etc.

    4. Differentiate a ped from clod.
    Answer: Natural aggregates are peds where as clod is an artificially formed soil mass due to ploughing and digging.

    5. How bulk density of a soil is influenced by soil structure?
    Answer: Bulk density varies with the total pore-space present in the soil. Structure chiefly influences pore-space. Platy structure with less pore-space has high bulk density. Crumb structure with more total pore-space has low bulk density.

    6. Name the techniques of aggregate analysis.
    Answer: a. Wet and dry sieving
    b. Elutriation
    c. Sedimentation

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 9:30 AM