Reporting of animal diseases by OIE


  • All OIE Member Countries have the obligation to report the occurrence of all OIE listed diseases
  • There are three different types of reports
    • Emergency reports
      • Countries must notify the OIE Central Bureau within 24 hours of the occurrence of a significant epidemiological event.
      • Thereafter, they must provide progress reports on a weekly basis until such time as the situation becomes stable or the disease concerned has been eradicated.
      • The sending of weekly reports should stop once a dis­ease has become enzootic.
      • The form can also be used to report the lifting of sanitary measures when it is considered that all the recorded out­breaks have been eliminated.
      • The central bureau immediately sends a summary of the warning message by e-mail to member countries.
      • In ad­dition, the OIE publishes a weekly disease information leaflet that is sent to all member countries and is also available online.
    • Monthly reports
      • Countries need to provide information on the absence or presence of OIE listed diseases and, where appropriate, a compilation of data relating to diseases not on this list that have been the subject of emer­gency or follow-up reports during the month in question.
    • Yearly report
      • Once a year, member countries submit a written report summarizing the most important information on their disease control efforts as a complete report on the occurrence of OIE listed diseases in th­eir territories.
Last modified: Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 5:20 AM