Visit to primary health centres
Incidence of existing, emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases is primarily associated with socio-economic status of human population. Several zoonotic diseases mostly occur in human beings live in rural areas. So, as an epidemiologist, it is very important to go in to the field to observe the actual facts of interaction of multifactorial determinants associated with zoonotic agents, hosts (both animals and humans) and environment, collection, collation, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of information.
Need of the day is to create awareness among people in rural, urban and semi-urban (slum dwellers) areas, where they associated with farm and companion animals.
The primary objective of visit is to develop good liaison between veterinarians and medical professionals in order to fight against zoonotic diseases.
Awareness on zoonotic diseases among publics would be created during the visit to PHC.
With the help of Health Officer, Medical Services, students will be given oppurtunity to share information regarding zoonotic diseases and their importance.
As part of this programme, Health Officer may be invited to give lecture on notifiable zoonotic diseases and effective interaction with the students for better understanding about zoonoses.
Students should be taken to primary health centres to learn about
Prevalence of zoonotic diseases in the local area
Preventive measures applied against zoonotic diseases
Socio-economic conditions and awareness on zoonotic diseases
Last modified: Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 6:34 AM