1. Differentiate absorption Vs emission spectroscopy.
    Answer: Absorption spectroscopy measure the absorbance of light due to the electrons going to a higher energy level whereas emission spectroscopy measures the intensity of light that is emitted as electrons return to the lower energy levels.

    2. What is the role of hallow cathode lamp?
    Answer: Hallow cathode lamp emits the light, its wave length is equal to that absorbed by the atom of the sample.

    3. Give the resonance lines of copper and nickel
    Answer: Ca-324.8 nm and Ni-232.0 nm

    4. Enlist the disadvantages of AAS
    Answer: Sample must be in solution or at least volatile in nature. It requires individual source lamps for each element.

    5. What is meant by atomization
    Answer: Elements in the sample to be analyzed are not in free state and are combined with other elements invariably to make so called molecule. The combination must be cut-off by some means to free the atoms. This is called atomization.

    6. Differentiate flame atomization with electrothermal atomization in terms of efficiency.
    Answer: Efficiency of flame atomization is about 10% while efficiency of electro thermal atomization is more than 90%.

    7. What is the role of monochromator?
    Answer: Monochromator is used to select the analysis wave length of the target element.

    8. Write the resonance lines of Barium and Zinc.
    Answer: Ba – 553.60 nm and Zn – 213.9 nm

Last modified: Tuesday, 24 April 2012, 9:22 AM