Surface crusting

Surface crusting

    Surface crusting is due to presence of colloidal oxides of iron and Aluminium in Alfisols which binds the soil particles under wet regimes. On drying it forms a hard mass on the surface. The ill effects of surface crusting are

    1. Prevents germination of seeds
    2. Retards/inhibits root growth.
    3. Results in poor infiltration.
    4. Accelerates surface run off
    5. Creates poor aeration in rhizosphere
    6. Affects nodules formation in leguminous crops

    Surface crushing can be managed as below
    1. When the soil is at optimum moisture regime, ploughing is to be given.
    2. Lime at 2 t ha-1 may be uniformly spread and another ploughing given for blending of amendment with the surface soil.
    3. Farm yard manure at 10 t ha-1 or composted coir pith at 12.5 t ha-1 or other organics may be applied to improve the physical properties of the soils, after preparation of land to optimum tilth.
    4. Scraping surface soil by tooth harrow will be useful.
    5. Bold seeds may be used for sowing on the crusted soils.
    6. More number of seeds/hill may be adopted for small sized seeds.
    7. Sprinkling water at periodical intervals may be done whenever possible.
    8. Resistant crops like cowpea can be grown

Last modified: Wednesday, 25 April 2012, 6:05 AM