Fluffy paddy soils

Fluffy paddy soils

    The traditional method of preparing the soil for transplanting rice consists of puddling, which substantially breaks soil aggregates into a uniform structure-less mass. Under continuous flooding and submergence of soil for rice cultivation in a cropping sequence of rice-rice-rice, the soil particles are always in a state of flux and the mechanical strength is lost leading to the fluffiness of soils. Impact of fluffiness is sinking of drought animals and labourers during puddling. This has been thus, an invisible drain of finance for farmers due to high pulling power needed for bullocks and slow movement of labourers during puddling operations. Further fluffiness of the soil lead to very low bulk density and thereby leading to very rapid hydraulic conductivity and in turn the soil does not provide a good anchorage to the roots and the potential yield of crops is also adversely affected.

    Following practices are adopted to overcome this problem.

    • The irrigation should be stopped 10 days before the harvest of rice crop.
    • After the harvest of rice, when the soil is under semi-dry condition, compact the field by passing 400 kg stone roller or tar drum filled with 400 kg of sand for 8 times.
    • The usual preparatory cultivation is carried out after compaction.

Last modified: Wednesday, 30 May 2012, 6:03 AM