Estimation of cumin content

Estimation of curcumin content

    • The curcumin content can be estimated adopting the method reported by Manjunath et al. (1991).
    • For this, the cured rhizomes should be ground to a fine powder and 0.1 g of the powder should be extracted with 40 ml of distilled alcohol by refluxing over a water-cooled condenser for 2 1/2 hours.
    • The extract should then be filtered into a 100 ml volumetric flask and made up to volume with alcohol.
    • An aliquot of 5 ml should be transferred to a 100 ml volumetric flask and again the volume is made up.
    • The absorbance of the solution can be measured at 425 nm with alcohol as the blank.
    • The curcumin content in the sample can be calculated using the absorbance value of a standard solution of curcumin (0.00025 g/100 ml has an absorbance of 0.42), adopting the following formulae:
    0.00025 x absorbance of sample x 100 x 100
    Curcumin content = ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Per cent by weight) absorbance of standard x weight of sample x 5

    Curcumin is highly aromatic with a musky odour and a pungent bitter taste. When it comes into contact with alkali it turns red and is called 'Kum kum'.

Last modified: Sunday, 11 March 2012, 6:24 AM