Soil and climate

Soil and Climate

    • Turmeric can be grown in various types of soil. However, well-drained loamy or alluvial soils, rich in good organic matter, in a pH range of 5.00 to 7.5 is optimum for the crop.
    • The crop cannot withstand water¬logging. Gravelly, stony and heavy clay soils are unsuitable for the crop, because of their interference with the development of rhizomes.
    • Turmeric prefers a warm and humid climate and can be cultivated in most of the tropics and subtropics, provided that the rainfall is adequate or irrigation facilities are available. An annual rainfall of 100-200 cm is ideal.
    • It can be grown from sea level to 1220 m above ma. at a temperature range of 15-35°C.
    • High temperature and low humidity cause slow emergence of the pseudostem and leaves.

Last modified: Sunday, 11 March 2012, 5:32 AM