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5.3.3 Asthamudi Estuary
It is situated in the Kollam district of the state, Kerala. Ninety-seven species belonging to 39 families of fishes, prawns, crabs and clams, etc., are available here. Of the 39 families, 12 contribute to the fishery substantially. Mullets and the pearl spot are the most abundant forms having a good market value. Anchovies form a seasonal fishery from July – October. It is rich in prawn resources and the peak prawn fishery season lasts from Aug – Oct. Traditional dug-out canoes are the common fishing crafts. Four types of gears, namely seine nets, cast nets, Chinese dipnets and drag nets are commonly used. In addition to these gears, Lure fishing and Scare-line fishing are also employed. Besides the capture fishery, it provides a good scope for fish and prawn culture. |