5.3.4 Mandovi-Zuari Estuarine System

5.3.4 Mandovi-Zuari Estuarine System

These estuaries are situated in the state, Goa. They discharge into the Arabian sea through the Marmugoa and Aguda Bay respectively. In the Zuari estuary, almost marine conditions prevail with a little freshwater drainage. In the Mandovi estuary, the freshwater drainage continues throughout the year. The annual fish catch from the estuarine system varies from 150 to 350 tonnes with an average value of about 200 tonnes. Demersal fishes, mainly prawns and finfishes contribute from 50 to 70 % of the total catch. The dominant group of the demersal finfishes includes catfishes, flatfishes, rock cod and sand whiting. There are extensive beds of the estuarine clam, Meretrix casta, the average yield of this clam from different beds is about 80 tonnes. In Goa, there is a considerable scope for cultivation of bivalves on ropes suspended from floating rafts in the estuaries.

Last modified: Thursday, 17 November 2011, 10:17 AM