7.3.1 Introduction

7.3.1 Introduction

With the changing values of the society in terms of modernization and development, 'Fish sport' has become most reputed and delighted entertainment. Millions of tourists both from home and abroad visiting scenic corridors in Indian Himalayas enjoy angling in the upland streams, rivers and lakes. In reality the angling is enjoyed by the people of all ages, social and economic strata of the society and hence in present days it is considered as the best resort entertainment. Besides the tourists folks, the local masses residing nearby these fishing resorts are also fascinated for angling and catch the fish for enjoyment as well as for food. Angling is an activity executed mainly for pleasure and not for food. It is the source of recreation to a variety of naturalists belonging to different strata of society. An angler should practice angling with real ethics of sport. It is necessary to do angling on catch and release basis regardless of fishing technique as a conservation measure. In India, angling as a sport, was introduced by the British during the nineteenth century and were also the reason for introduction of such exotic species like the Brown and Rainbow trout in Indian rivers and streams. The introduced species of trout soon bred and propagated fast in view of rich oxygenated waters, ideal ecological conditions of this region. The geographical variation along the course of each river is immense, full of endless opportunities for anglers. Himalayas has been rightly rated as the Anglers' paradise with a network of rivers and streams as well as high altitude lakes.

Last modified: Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 7:04 AM