Origin and distribution
Native range
- The genus Mangifera originates in tropical Asia, with the greatest number of species found in Borneo, Java, Sumatra, and the Malay Peninsula.
- The most-cultivated Mangifera species, M. indica (mango), has its origins in India and Myanmar.
Current distribution
- Mango is now cultivated throughout the tropical and subtropical world for commercial fruit production, as a garden tree, and as a shade tree for stock.
- In the Pacific region, all mangos were introduced from other parts of the world.
- The earliest recorded introductions into Hawaii were prior to 1825; however, most introductions to the Pacific islands have occurred over the past 100 years.
- Few other Mangifera species are found in the Pacific. Mangifera gedebe, M. minor, and M. mucronulata are found in the Solomon Islands and M. minor in Micronesia, but these either do not fruit or the fruit is inedible.
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 April 2012, 1:05 PM