

  • It is the period of sexual receptivity during which mating and ovulation occurs in most species and the corpus luteum begins to form

    • The graafian follicle is large and mature
    • Ovum undergoes certain maturation changes
    • There is increasing level of estrogen produced by the synergistic effects of the theca and granulosa cells.
    • Inhibin and increasing level of estrogen secreted from the graafian follicle inhibit hypothalamic and pituitary gonadotrophin secretion, thus inhibit the FSH release by negative feed back effect
    • Increased level of estrogen stimulates hypothalamic LHRH release by positive feed back mechanism, thus the ovulatory LH surge before ovulation.
    • Oviducts – The oviducts are tonic, the epithelium mature and cilia are active, contraction of the oviduct is occurring a close affinity to the Graffian follicle. Increase amount of oviductal fluid is being secreted.
    • The uterus is erect, turgid edematous. The blood supply to the uterus is increased. The mucosa is rapidly growing and mucus is secreted.
    • The vagina, vulval and cervical mucosa is pink, congested, due to increased vascularity; the mucus secretion is greatly increased strings of mucus hang from the vulva of the cow form pattern of discharge.
    • Towards the end of this period, there may be increased leucocytes migrating into the uterine lumen.
    • In most species the rupture of the mature ovisac or ovulation occurs towards the end of this period of estrum.
    • Duration of estrus varies from 14 to 18 hours in the cow, 7 to 10 days in mare and bitch
    • Other external signs – mounting, bellowing, frequent urination, discharge, reduced feed intake and milk yield.
Last modified: Saturday, 7 January 2012, 7:00 AM